glbtq: the online encyclopedia of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer culture


Eden Aycock is construction foreman from the Outer Banks of North Carolina. She hates children and small dogs, and pretty much anything in between. Although, like Florence King, her grandmother tried to make her a lady, Eden is anything but. She writes in a luxurious beach cottage (get real, one room) with her cats Dempsey and Dare.

Frankie Hucklenbroich pursued a wild and predominantly illegal life as a street butch for twenty years. Since 1980, she has 'turned respectable', acquiring a college degree, working in the corporate world, and writing passionately about the often-invisible lesbian women she knows so well. Her work may be found in the anthologies CHLOE PLUS OLIVIA, WOMEN ON WOMEN 3 and THE PERSISTENT DESIRE: a femme/butch reader', as well as LESBIAN POETRY: an anthology and SPEAKING FOR OURSELVES: American Ethnic Writing, a college textbook. Her critically acclaimed (and
admittedly-autobiographical) first novel A CRYSTAL DIARY -- published by
Firebrand Press -- was an gay and lesbian editors' choice, received a two-page review in The Lesbian Review of Books, and was one of five nominations for a Lammy in lesbian fiction in 1998.

(Additional reviews, an excerpt from A CRYSTAL DIARY, and a photo may be found at

Now disabled, Frankie Hucklenbroich lives in Atlanta, plans a return to
California soon, and is beginning to write again.


Vivian Kinzler lives in New England where she makes art quilts and fabric collage.

Heather McNaugher is currently pursuing her MA at SUNY Binghamton. Her work has appeared in Emerson College's Beacon Street Review, and she has work forthcoming in Anteup and the bicycling magazine, Dirt Rag. She never wants to live West of Iowa again.

Ginny Miller is writing a series of thematically linked short stories on the
relationships people have with their houses. She has been scoping out the real estate business for several years now toward this end.

Tesco Morrison is from London, Ontario where she has worked too many 24 hours stores than one person deserves in a lifetime. But the cast of characters she's encountered has made for a veritable modern day Canterbury Tales. This is one of 200 such tales, about to be published under the title 7 11 Heaven.

Barbara Ono would like to thank Luma Steinbray, Treia Bone, Lucon de Ber, and Em Ghee (the members of her writing group) for their inspiration and generosity. Ono can be contacted through

Stephanie Oxendale creates history at SUNY Binghamton, in upstate New York. Originally from Yorkshire, England she says she wound up on these shores whilst trying to find the East Indies. When she has enough aluminum (Or aluminuim, as Stephanie would say it) cans to build a suitable raft, she'll be off once again. Stepanie can be reached at

Felice Picano is a much translated, best selling, prize-winning author of twenty books of fiction, poetry, memoirs and other non fiction. His plays have been produced Off- Broadway, around the US, and abroad. Considered a founder of gay literature, Picano strted up the SeaHorse Press and Gay Presses of New York. He now lives in L.A. His new novel, The Book of Lies (Alyson Press), comes out this fall.

Virginia Shirley is a figment of her own imagination. Currently, she teaches Creative Writing and various English classes at Binhgamton University. Other publications of her fiction include "Breaking Fast" in Northern Virginia Review, "Ballroom Dancing" and "Wildcard" in The Aubade. Her novel OPULENT CHANCE is held in the special collections at Mary Washington College, and is currently awaiting release, as are we all.


Aldo Alvarez's short fiction has seen print in The ARK/Angel Review, Pen & Sword Hypersite, The Blue Moon Review/Blue Penny Quarterly, Amelia, Art & Understanding, GayPlace Magazine, Christopher Street, CONTRA/DICTION: New Queer Male Fiction (Arsenal Pulp Press) and BEST AMERICAN GAY FICTION 1 (Little, Brown/Back Bay Books). He received a Master's of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from Columbia University in the city of New York. Currently a Clifford D. Clark Fellow at Binghamton University, he teaches and pursues a Doctorate in English. He was a Fiction Scholar at the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference in 1998. Born and raised in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico, he currently lives in Binghamton, New York.

Visit Aldo Alvarez's website at




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