B. Bianchi is Italian and lives in Milan. He is the author of Non puoi
mica fare il bagno con queste troie di onde ("You can't even swim with
these fucking waves") and the editor of several anthologies, including two
volumes of gay short stories. He just completed his first play, a comedy titled
Ravanello pallido (Pale radish) which will go on stage next year. Since
1996 he edits his own literay 'zine, 'tina
-- short for "Rivistina" (little review). e-mail: |
Conway, a writer and musician, lives in Sacramento, California, with her beloved
Butch and their three ill- mannered cats. As a booking agent and producer of concerts
that feature national and local musicians through a production company started
by her lover, Jihl Long, Kelly's goal in life is to promote solidarity and global
healing through art and music. She's the author of Spooky Soup: A Novel
(Bluestocking Books). Her short stories have seen print in The Femme Mystique,
Write from the Heart, Lesbian Short Fiction, and Herotica 5. Visit Kelly Conway's site at e-mail: Jack FitzGearailt's stories have seen print in Princeton Arts Review, Soundings East and Passager. A novel-in-progress made it to the semi-final round of the 1996 Heekin Fiction Awards contest. He's also a member of SAGE Writers' Workshop, a group for gay fiction writers. Raised western in New York State and Canada, he graduted from Syracuse University. Since then has lived in New York City. For ten years was the primary care-partner for a series of friends who died of AIDS and a volunteer the Gay Men's Health Crisis. e-mail: Sheryl Fowler currently works as an Electronic Classroom Support Consultant at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. Assorted poetry and the short story "The Garbo Summer" have appeared in Aubade, the literary magazine of Mary Washington College. "Gravity" is one of four linked short stories that keep threatening to make a novel of themselves, if only the right union emerges. e-mail: Richard Grayson is the author of several collections of short stories, including With Hitler in New York (Taplinger, 1979), Lincoln's Doctor's Dog (White Ewe, 1982), I Brake for Delmore Schwartz (Zephyr, 1983), and I Survived Caracas Traffic (Avisson, 1996). He wrote "Boys Club" at the Ragdale Foundation artists' colony in 1997. A Florida attorney and college professor, he recently was a resident at Villa Montalvo Center for the Arts in Saratoga, CA and the Ucross Foundation in Clearmont, WY. His recent stories have also appeared at The Blue Moon Review and 12-Gauge Review. e-mail: or Kevin Killian is a poet, novelist, critic and playwright. He has written two novels, Shy (1990) and Arctic Summer (1997), a book of memoirs, Bedrooms Have Windows (1990), and a book of stories, Little Men (1996), winner of the PEN Oakland award for fiction. His first book of poetry, Argento Series, appeared in the autumn of 1997. He and Lewis Ellingham are the authors of Poet Be Like God: Jack Spicer and the San Francisco Renaissance (Wesleyan University Press), the first biography of the US poet Jack Spicer (1925-65). e-mail: Stephanie Sellier, born in 1968, studied German, Philosophy and Latin in Cologne, started editing and writing in 1996, works also for the German lesbian magazine lespress, her first "novel in episodes", Frisch aus der Hoelle ("Fresh out of Hell"), was published by Konkursbuch Verlag, Tuebingen in Spring 1998. Visited OutWrite 1998 in Boston and was enthusiastic about it. Most interested in connecting American and German lesbian and gay culture. e-mail: Gregg Shapiro's writing has been published or is forthcoming in a wide variety of magazines and anthologies including Blithe House Quarterly (Volume One, Number One; Volume Two, Number Three), Spoon River Poetry Review, Faultline, Gargoyle, Columbia Poetry Review, modern words, Christopher Street, Word Wrights!, The Evergreen Chronicles, GETTING IT ON (Soho Press, 1999), LITERATURE AND GENDER (Addison Wesley Longman, 1999), BEYOND LAMENT (Northwestern University Press, 1998), RECLAIMING THE HEARTLAND (University of Minnesota Press, 1996), MONDO MARILYN (St. Martin's Press, 1995), UNSETTLING AMERICA (Viking/Penguin, 1994), MONDO BARBIE (St. Martin's Press, 1993), BLOOD TO REMEMBER (Texas Tech University Press, 1991), Sex And Chocolate, Bar Stories, and Living Legacy, to name a few. He is the music editor at Next Magazine, and his music reviews, book reviews, theater reviews, movie reviews, feature stories and interviews also appear regularly in The Washington Blade, Outlines, Bay Area Reporter, Metro Weekly, Instinct, En La Vida, Xtra, In Newsweekly, Nightlines, Texas Triangle, Bay Windows, and Philadelphia Gay News, among many others. He lives in Chicago's Andersonville neighborhood with his life-partner, Rick Karlin. e-mail: Aldo Alvarez's short fiction has seen print in The ARK/Angel Review, Pen & Sword Hypersite, The Blue Moon Review/Blue Penny Quarterly, Amelia, Art & Understanding, GayPlace Magazine, Christopher Street and BEST AMERICAN GAY FICTION 1 (Little, Brown/Back Bay Books). His work will also be featured in CONTRA/DICTIONS: Queer Male Fiction (Arsenal Pulp Press), out in Fall 1998. He received a Master's of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from Columbia University in the city of New York. Currently a Clifford D. Clark Fellow at Binghamton University, he teaches and pursues a Doctorate in English. He's just been awarded a scholarship to attend the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference this August. Born and raised in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico, he currently lives in Binghamton, New York. e-mail:
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