![]() Lawrence Ytzhak Braithwaite is the author of the novel WIGGER and several short stories. His fiction has appeared in MAKA: DIASPORIC JUKS (Sister Vision Press), Holy Titclamps, Red Zone (Victoria's street peoples' magazine), Mirage Periodical and has been given honourable mention in BEST AMERICAN GAY FICTION 1 and 2. He has also performed at Lollapalooza, San Francisco's New Langton Arts Gallery and appeared on the "Class and Queer Writing" panel at OUTWRITE 99 in Boston, MA . He received critics choice in BEST GAY EROTICA 1999 (Cleis Press) for an excerpt from his new novel RATZ ARE NICE (Alyson Publications). He currently has a chapbook available called "Speed/Thrash/Death: Alamo, BC" illustrated by Victoria artist Krista McLean. METALLICA RULES!!!!! SLAYER FOREVER!!!!!! Visit
Lawrence Ytzhak Braithwaite's site at E-mail: bovrrat6@home.com Tom Crisp has written technical and marketing materials, advertising copy, criticism, plays, song lyrics and fiction. He has designed stage costumes and scenery as well as print media and computerized video graphics. A native of Nebraska, he makes his home in New York, New York. E-mail: ospin@aol.com Sheryl Fowler currently works as an Electronic Classroom Support Consultant at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. Assorted poetry and the short story "The Garbo Summer" have appeared in Aubade, the literary magazine of Mary Washington College. "Grace" is one of four linked short stories that keep threatening to make a novel of themselves, if only the right union emerges. e-mail: sfowler@osf1.gmu.edu Alex Jeffers has published a novel, SAFE AS HOUSES (Faber and Faber, 1995), which will be reprinted in paperback in 1998 by Britain's Gay Men's Press. Shorter work has appeared most recently in HIS 2 and FLESH AND THE WORD 4. A chapter of his work in progress THE ABODE OF BLISS, a novel about a gay Turk, is scheduled for publication in MEN ON MEN 7. He lives in Boston, Massachusetts, and his website may be found here. Dean Kiley is a postgraduate and lecturer in the Department of English with Cultural Studies at Melbourne University, teaching Creative Writing and Hypertextuality. His writing includes (and often combines) theory, social commentary and several modes of fiction. He has been widely published, from literary journals to zines; from student media to academic journals; from queer glossy magazines to mainstream newspapers; from proliferating World Wide Web sites to numerous anthologies. He is the author of and that's final (BlackWattle, 1995), a semi-pomo hyperqueer almost-novel; and is currently completing IF KURT COBAIN, a novel about your friendly local paedophile. He lives in Melbourne, Australia, with his lover Jonathan, and is trying sex out as a gym substitute. E-mail: d.kiley@pgrad.unimelb.edu.au Paul Lisicky's novel LAWNBOY is forthcoming from Turtle Point Press in October 1999. His recent work has appeared in Boulevard, Gulf Coast, Quarterly West, Provincetown Arts, Mississippi Review, and in the anthologies BEST AMERICAN GAY FICTION 2, FLASH FICTION, and MEN ON MEN 6. A recipient of awards from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Michener/Copernicus Society, the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown, and the Henfield Foundation, he teaches creative writing in the University of Houston's Inprint program and is Writer in Residence at Houston's High School for the Performing and Visual Arts. E-mail: badflorida@aol.com Paula Martinac's third novel, CHICKEN, was recently published. She is also the author of HOME MOVIES (1993) and OUT OF TIME (1990), winner of the Lambda Literary Award for best lesbian fiction. Her syndicated op-ed column, "Lesbian Notions," appears in lesbian and gay newspapers across the country. E-mail: pmartinac@aol.com Tam May says: I live in San Francisco. I was born in Israel but grew up in the United States and went back to Israel when I was 16 and lived there for 9 years prior to coming to San Francisco. I have had a poem published in Fallen Angel on the web, and have placed as a finalist in Writer's Digest Writing Competitions for both 1996 and 1997. So you see my publishing credits are few and far between, but hopefully with the oppertunities on the web this will change! E-mail: tammay@creative.net Bruce Morrow is the co-editor of SHADE: An Anthology of Fiction by Gay Men of African Descent (Avon Books). His work has appeared in numerous publications including the New York Times, Callaloo, and the anthology SPEAK MY NAME. Visit Bruce Morrow's site at http://www.glyphmedia.com/host/shade E-mail: bmorrow@panix.com Gerard Wozek has been published in various literary magazines and anthologies including GENTS, BAD BOYS AND BARBARIANS, RECLAIMING THE HEARTLAND, QUEER DOG, THE ROAD WITHIN, and BEST GAY EROTICA OF 1998. His poetry video, "Spirit of Place: Belmont Rocks," took People's Choice Award in 1997 at the Sixth National Poetry Video Festival. He currently teaches composition at Robert Morris College in Chicago. E-mail: gwozek@aol.com Aldo Alvarez's short fiction has seen print in The ARK/Angel Review, Pen & Sword Hypersite, Blue Penny Quarterly, Amelia, Art & Understanding, GayPlace Magazine, Christopher Street and BEST AMERICAN GAY FICTION 1 (Little, Brown/Back Bay Books). His work will also be featured in CONTRA/DICTIONS: Queer Male Fiction (Arsenal Pulp Press), out in Fall 1998. He received a Master's of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from Columbia University in the city of New York. Currently a Clifford D. Clark Fellow at Binghamton University, he teaches and pursues a Doctorate in English. Born and raised in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico, he currently lives in Binghamton, New York. e-mail: adalvarez@aol.com
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