C. Bard Cole is a cartoonist and writer from Baltimore who currently lives on New York's Lower East Side. He is the author of several illustrated chapbooks, including TATTOOED LOVE BOYS and YOUNG HEMINGWAYS. His work has most recently appeared in the anthology FLESH AND THE WORD 4 (Plume) and in the cartoon zine Boy Trouble. Bard's latest project with his friend and longtime collaborator Chris Leslie (Dirty, Everard Review) is the zine Riotboyyy. Its first issue will appear later this summer.
C. Bard Cole's website, the TLB DIARIES (http://www.earthlink.net/~cbardcole), features his essays, drawings and fiction.
Jameson Currier is the author of DANCING ON THE MOON, a collection of short stories published by Penguin, and the documentary film, Living Proof. His short fiction has been anthologized in MEN ON MEN 5, ALL THE WAYS HOME, OUR MOTHERS, OUR SELVES, CERTAIN VOICES, EX-LOVER WEIRD SHIT and BEST GAY EROTICA. A member of the National Book Critics Circle, his reviews and essays on gay and AIDS-related literature have appeared in The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, New York Newsday, The Dallas Morning News, Art & Understanding, Body Positive, Lambda Book Report, David's Place Journal, and The Harvard Gay and Lesbian Review. He currently resides in Manhattan and is at work on a novel.
E-mail: JCurrier1@aol.com
Daniel Curzon is the author of ten published books, including SOMETHING YOU DO IN THE DARK, THE WORLD CAN BREAK YOUR HEART, CURZON IN LOVE, HUMAN WARMTH AND OTHER STORIES, and SUPERFAG. His plays have been produced in San Francisco and off-Broadway in New York, notably My Unknown Son (1988) and in Los Angeles in Fall 1997. New works include the novel ONLY THE GOOD PARTS (about fathering a son as a gay man) as well as a collection of short stories called NOT NECESSARILY NICE STORIES, which will contain some of these new stories plus "Wasps," a story published in The Kenyon Review (Winter, 1995), another from Yellow Silk (forthcoming), two from Descant (1994 and 1996), and one from The Great Lawn (1997).
Visit Daniel Curzon's website at http://hills.ccsf.cc.ca.us:9878/~dbrown/
E-mail: curzon@pacbell.net
Richard S. Redlo is a fiction writer and a lawyer. His short fiction has appeared in Christopher Street, Art & Understanding, The Owen Wister Review, and The Chiron Review. He is the author of a novel, GRAVITIES, from which he adapted the screenplay Defying Gravity. He is also the author of a screenplay, The Couch, and co-author of Face The Music (screenplay in progress).
E-mail: CapeRich@aol.com
Gregg Shapiro's writing has been published or is forthcoming in a wide variety of magazines and anthologies including Blithe House Quarterly (Volume One, Number One; Volume Two, Number Three), Spoon River Poetry Review, Faultline, Gargoyle, Columbia Poetry Review, modern words, Christopher Street, Word Wrights!, The Evergreen Chronicles, GETTING IT ON (Soho Press, 1999), LITERATURE AND GENDER (Addison Wesley Longman, 1999), BEYOND LAMENT (Northwestern University Press, 1998), RECLAIMING THE HEARTLAND (University of Minnesota Press, 1996), MONDO MARILYN (St. Martin's Press, 1995), UNSETTLING AMERICA (Viking/Penguin, 1994), MONDO BARBIE (St. Martin's Press, 1993), BLOOD TO REMEMBER (Texas Tech University Press, 1991), Sex And Chocolate, Bar Stories, and Living Legacy, to name a few. He is the music editor at Next Magazine, and his music reviews, book reviews, theater reviews, movie reviews, feature stories and interviews also appear regularly in The Washington Blade, Outlines, Bay Area Reporter, Metro Weekly, Instinct, En La Vida, Xtra, In Newsweekly, Nightlines, Texas Triangle, Bay Windows, and Philadelphia Gay News, among many others. He lives in Chicago's Andersonville neighborhood with his life-partner, Rick Karlin.
E-mail: GREGG1959@aol.com
Virginia Shirley is a figment of her own imagination. Currently, she teaches Creative Writing and various English classes at Binhgamton University. Other publications of her fiction include "Breaking Fast" in Northern Virginia Review, "Ballroom Dancing" and "Wildcard" in The Aubade. Her novel OPULENT CHANCE is held in the special collections at Mary Washington College, and is currently awaiting release, as are we all.
E-mail: IndiaFC@aol.com
David Watmough is the seventy year-old author of ten volumes of fiction, both novels and stories. Recent samples of the latter are also to be found currently in HIS vol 2 (Faber); and QUEER VIEW MIRROR vol 2 (Arsenal Pulp Press); and in such e-zines as Dada (Italy) and Slumgullion (USA). His most recent book titles are HUNTING WITH DIANA: Connected Fictions (1996) and THE TIME OF THE KINGFISHERS, novel, (1994), both published by Arsenal Pulp Press of Vancouver, Canada. Critically acclaimed earlier novels from this Cornish-bred now Canadian citizen, who arrived in British Columbia in 1960 via San Francisco and New York, are NO MORE INTO THE GARDEN (1978, Doubleday), and THY MOTHER'S GLASS (1992, HarperCollins). He is currently hard at work on both a new novel and a short story collection inspired by the Hale-Bopp comet that briefly appeared in our heavens earlier this year.
E-mail: watmough@istar.ca
Aldo Alvarez's collection of short stories, INTERESTING MONSTERS, is forthcoming in September 2001 from Graywolf Press. He teaches creative writing as a Visiting Writer at Indiana University at Bloomington. His short fiction has seen print in The ARK/Angel Review, Pen & Sword Hypersite, The Blue Moon Review/Blue Penny Quarterly, Amelia, Art & Understanding, GayPlace Magazine, Christopher Street, CONTRA/DICTION: New Queer Male Fiction (Arsenal Pulp Press) and BEST AMERICAN GAY FICTION 1 (Little, Brown/Back Bay Books). He received a Master's of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from Columbia University in the city of New York and a Ph.D. in English from Binghamton University (SUNY). He was a Fiction Scholar at the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference in 1998.
Visit Aa, Aldo Alvarez's homesite, at http://www.blithe.com/aa/
e-mail: adalvarez@aol.com
Teddy David Fitzpatrick was born in Boston, raised in Los Angeles and educated at Harvard and UCLA. Primarily, receiving a M. A. Degree in Modern European Intellectual History and another Master's in Architecture and Graphic Design (student of Frank Gehry and the late Franklin D. Israel)- but, his greatest loves are for literary criticism, critical philosophy, technomusic - and, he confesses, for his Jeep Wrangler. He currently resides in Seattle, Washington (via San Francisco) as a web graphic designer - with over 15 years experience as a fine arts painter and musician (yes - that too!) and 5 years experience with computer graphics. He is currently working on 5 website projects, after a deconstructionist theme. As Teddy is Irish, he also is inspired to publish his corpus of poems someday soon. He loves Seamus Heaney's and Emily Dickenson's works. It will be entitled "Mind, Bodies, Exchange." He also has an available list of clients and professional affiliations. His personal indebtedness is to Mr. Alvarez for his Art Direction of this Website.
His own URL: http://members.aol.com/PoloTeam/titlepage.html feature his current artworks, works-in-progress and resumé.
E-mail: PoloTeam@aol.com